Telehealth Consultations 

At Goodapple Wellness, we believe an integrative approach can benefit to your current preventive care health care plan. Integrative care is a combination of conventional medical treatment in addition to the use of safe, evidence-based natural therapies. Our goals are to help you identify supportive ways to improve health, prevent the side effects of cancer treatment or other conventional medications, and to support best survivorship. Ultimately the goal is to help you feel great, while making your body less hospitable to disease processes using a combination of healthy behaviors and optimal nutrients!  


To schedule 

Request or make an appointment at: 
OR   Call: (302) 319-4961.
We will email forms and availability for appointments. Please complete the intake forms including the health questionnaire, and send requested records and signed consents 48 hours prior to confirmed visits.
For integrative oncology consults please send pathology report from diagnosis and/or most recent biopsy, along with most recent labs and imaging reports. Fax forms and records to: (267) 907-8893.




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